
Do Construction Sites Need Flood Insurance?

If you’re planning on renovating or constructing a new building, all sorts of catastrophes may arise. The future is not predictable, and plenty of things can go wrong. One thing you need to look out for is floods. Heavy rainfall, hurricanes, and other weather events can cause water to rush into the place where your construction site is. Before starting a project, it’s essential to consider these risks to prepare for anything that happens.

Among the things you need to keep in mind when making plans for a new home or building is flood insurance. With this coverage, you’ll be able to repair or rebuild your home or business if it gets wiped out by water. In this article, we will talk about flood insurance in construction to decide whether or not it’s the right option for you.

What Is Flood Insurance?

NFIP is a national flood insurance program that offers flood insurance.

Property owners who live in high-risk areas are eligible for this flood

insurance. The NFIP covers both residential and commercial properties that have been damaged by flooding as well as damages to:

  • Plumbing and electrical system
  • Appliances and electronics
  • Foundation walls, staircases, and anchorage systems
  • Fuel tanks, pumps, and solar energy equipment

NFIP residential policyholders are covered for damage up to $250,000, while commercial policyholders are covered for $500,000. However, you can purchase excess flood insurance if your expenses surpass the limit. An excess flood policy is an additional type of coverage that protects you if damages exceed the standard amount.

Do Construction Sites Need Flood Insurance?

SFHAs (Special Flood Hazard Areas) require construction sites to purchase flood insurance. Regardless of where you live, buying this coverage is wise even if you are not in a high-risk area. Doing so will ensure that you are not penalized financially.

Unless your building has particular coverage or your builder’s risk insurance includes a flood policy, you will not be compensated if flood damages occur. So to protect your investment from being ruined, get an NFIP plan that covers your residential or commercial property. Also, make sure you choose a high enough deductible to avoid financial surprises later on.

By being prepared, you can protect yourself and your property from losses and potential financial trouble. You won’t have to worry about paying for damages out of your own pocket.

How Flood Insurance Can Help

Many property owners think purchasing flood insurance isn’t necessary because they don’t live in an area with a high risk of flooding. Unfortunately, floods can happen to anyone, anywhere. If you’re planning on building a structure in an area that could be affected by heavy rainfall or any other type of flood, it is best to protect yourself against potential damages. After all, flood can cause:

Bad Effects on Your Equipment

Construction equipment is essential to any building project. They’re needed to get the job done quickly and efficiently. However, floods can ruin your equipment, causing you to waste valuable money on repairs or replacements. Since construction projects rely on heavy machinery, it’s best to ensure protection from these risks in advance.

Damage to Materials

No matter where you live, floods can come with powerful currents that sweep away objects. Heavy rainfall or a hurricane could also knock over tools and materials onto hard surfaces like cement floors or asphalt roads. This will likely damage them, making them unusable. By getting flood insurance, you won’t deal with the high costs of repairing these materials.

Entire Structure May Be Demolished

If a flood comes in with increased pressure, it may take everything down. Some floods can wash away entire structures and leave behind nothing but mud and sand. Paying for a complete rebuild may leave you in a worse position than before. To avoid these issues, it’s best to purchase flood insurance that will help compensate for your property and materials losses.

About Snyder Specialty

 Snyder Specialty, LLC is a New York-based underwriting facility that provides a range of property and liability solutions for personal and commercial lines. Specializing in coastal properties and hard-to-place risks, Snyder Specialty expands your current capabilities with proven solutions for complex risks. Find out more about the company’s range of services by calling (718) 362-8039.